Fraud Blocker



Nassau County, NY – Suffolk County, NY

Are you a real estate investor that purchased a foreclosure property at a foreclosure auction or tax deed auction?

Do you still have the prior owners, or tenants of the prior owner living at the premises? 

We evict former owners, tenants, squatters – anyone – from your post-foreclosure property.

Flat Fees – Fast Evictions – Quick Turnarounds

Recover Your Property ASAP

Every day that goes by is another day you’re not making money.

Every day that goes by is another day that the squatters or former owners could be stripping out the appliances, or doing major damage to your newly-purchased property.

Choose an eviction lawyer that moves fast, understands investment properties and how to protect your assets, and gets you possession asap.

FAQs About the Post-Foreclosure Eviction Process

What generally does the post-foreclosure eviction process look like in Nassau & Suffolk County?

The post-foreclosure eviction process requires a type of holdover proceeding specific to prior owners or tenants or licensees of the prior owners. A predicate notice would have to be served on all occupants, requiring a waiting period of 10 to 90 days depending on the type of occupants. Then a holdover petition would be filed in court. 

How much time does it take to evict people from a house purchased at a foreclosure auction?

The amount of time depends on the type of occupants, and the location of the property. For example, if you purchased a property at a foreclosure auction and you discovered that the former owners are still living there, then the former owners would need a 10 day notice. After the expiration of the 10 days, you could then file your  eviction petition in court. 

However, if you purchased a rental house or 2-family property at a foreclosure auction, then tenants of the prior owner would receive a 90 day notice. Meaning you would have to wait 90 days before you could then file your eviction petition in court. 

Often real estate investors fail to allot for this additional 3 months in holding costs when they purchase a property with a tenant in it. So it is helpful to remember. 

Upon expiration of the predicate notice timeframe, from there, the time period depends on the venue you file your petition in. Generally, the closer you are to NYC, the slower the courts move.  So Hempstead may take you an additional 60 days, whereas eastern Suffolk may conclude on the first appearance.

Do you assist with evictions related to tax liens or tax deeds?

Yes, please give us a call and we can walk you through the process. 

We'll speak with you,
right now, for free.

NOTE: We ONLY practice in Nassau County and
Suffolk County, Long Island New York.